The Bhagavad Gita and Me

  1. When I am at my house, I feel like Arjuna because I do not want to do my homework or study. However, it is my duty because I need to get good grades to go to college. When I get home, I either want to eat, sleep, or watch Netflix, or maybe all three. Arjuna did not want to fight the war, but it was his duty to do so.
  2. Whenever my procrastination kicks in before completing an assignment, I can force myself to not get distracted and give my full effort until it is finished. This can be applied to anything from doing homework to working a job.
  3. In ancient India, life was very different than in our modern societies. The Bhagavad Gita was seen more as giving up your life in these times. People were more worried about survival, serving their leaders, and providing for their family. Today, these are still an issue but the duties of the people have adapted to modern needs, such as getting an education and working less physical jobs.
  4. This could have been used as oppression by powerful leaders to make soldiers more likely to fight and risk their lives in war.

The Taoist Walk

During the walk, I was assigned with clearing the path of spider webs with Sturtevant’s bat. At first, I didn’t use it and walked into two or three webs, wrapping around my face and forehead. The sticky webs across my forehead were the most powerful sensation I experienced. However, I never realized how peaceful and calm the path is because I had never been on it before. While on the walk, the sound of my natural surroundings were drowned out by the marching band. I smelled pure and fresh air along with various flowers. In the early morning, the walk was brisk and the cold surrounded me. I thought about all of the different lifeforms around me and how they all survive with and from each other. In nature, everything works in unison and harmony. This directly relates to Taoism as one becomes more aware by focusing on senses and use the mind in deep contemplation.

The very old and tall oak tree behind the high school. Sturtevant is standing beside it to compare its size.

Feng Shui Your Closet




I decided to reorganize my closet because the rest of my room is already clean. It is less cluttered so Chi can gently flow through. I arranged it so it will be easier to find specific clothes because everything is assigned its own spot. The variety of color in the clothes cover the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Also, the contrast in shape between the thin swimsuits and the thick jackets create a balance of these elements. The closet also honors the Bagua with each color representing an area of life. I really enjoy the new arrangement because it takes less time to get dressed and is more appealing to look at while clean. I am already organized and like when everything has its place. Finally, my closet is orderly and less clustered.