The Bhagavad Gita and Me

  1. When I am at my house, I feel like Arjuna because I do not want to do my homework or study. However, it is my duty because I need to get good grades to go to college. When I get home, I either want to eat, sleep, or watch Netflix, or maybe all three. Arjuna did not want to fight the war, but it was his duty to do so.
  2. Whenever my procrastination kicks in before completing an assignment, I can force myself to not get distracted and give my full effort until it is finished. This can be applied to anything from doing homework to working a job.
  3. In ancient India, life was very different than in our modern societies. The Bhagavad Gita was seen more as giving up your life in these times. People were more worried about survival, serving their leaders, and providing for their family. Today, these are still an issue but the duties of the people have adapted to modern needs, such as getting an education and working less physical jobs.
  4. This could have been used as oppression by powerful leaders to make soldiers more likely to fight and risk their lives in war.

One thought on “The Bhagavad Gita and Me

  1. Whenever my procrastination kicks in before completing an assignment, I can force myself to not get distracted and give my full effort until it is finished. This can be applied to anything from doing homework to working a job.


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